Global Warming

Here is a worrying article explaining that we have only 10 years to start strategies to stop climate change.
According to this article, humans are causing more severe, stronger hurricanes due to our greenhouse gas emmisions.
Take a look at this, which is about the increased flooding risk in the U.K due to global warming.
And for any gardeners out there...... enjoy your lawns and flowerbeds while you've got them!!!
Here is a more unusual article about global warming.... saying that glaciers may actually be growing due to global warming. Wondering how that could happen? Click here!
This website has a satellite image of the arctic ice, showing how much it has melted in just 1 year. Very scary!!!
At 4:44 PM,
Mr Prettejohn said…
Global Warming is a very real and ever growing problem. I suggest you try and see Al Gore's new film 'An Inconvenient Truth'
I like the article on China water problems too.
Keep your blog fresh!
Have a look at this article:
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