Effects of Global Warming
Global warming is going to impact the world's population in many different ways. This site has some of the impact, and how they are affecting different parts of the world. National geographic has some info on the greenhouse effect, as well as this interactive map showing imapcts around the world. There will also be impacts in India, with rising sea levels engulfing islands. Impacts will also be seen in the UK.
Water Scarcity in the 21st Century
In 1999, 17 countries were identified as facing 'absolute water scarcity' by 2025- therefore they will not have enough water to maintain levels of food production, industry, household and environmental needs. They were all LEDCs, the Middle East being particularly vulnerable. Here is an excellent article about water scarcity in the 21st Century released for World Water Day. Here is a report on coping with water scarcity. Also try this site about Africa, or for more detailed information, this site. This article from the BBC is also good.