Climate change 'hitting Africa'
Here is an article about how climate change is affecting Africa, with increased droughts in some areas and more rain in others. The article says that climate change is going to seriously affect food supplies, unless something is done to stop it.
The Amazon River has Changed Direction
A new study shows that 145-65 million years ago the Amazon river flowed in the opposite direction that it does now- it used to be from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have discovered this through studying sedimentary rocks. This article talks about the processes that occured to cause this change of direction.
Britain is Worst for Wasting Energy
5000 people in 5 countries have been surveyed according to this article, and Britain has come out worst for wasting energy, with Italy second and France third. If we continue leaving appliances on standby and lights on, the Energy Saving Trust claims that we will release an extra 43m tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Here are two articles on the topic. Click here or here.Meanwhile, Australians have also been wasting energy in the shower, and are being told to stop singing!
Climate Change Threatens Water supplies
Here is an interesting article about how in the future, climate change may threaten the water supplies of some of the worlds most vulnerable countries. The article claims that recent research shows that by 2050, 5 times as much land will be under drought conditions compared to the present time. On the right of the page are also some useful links about global warming in general, including a good animated guide to the greenhouse effect.
Large Earthquake Has Hawaiian Islands All Shook Up
On Sunday morning there was a larger eathquake in Hawaii, measuring 6.7 on the Richtor Scale. The earthquake caused a lot of destruction, including roads, buildings and bridges and it also disrupted the power supply and telephone service. Luckily, no-one was killed by the quake, but there were many injuries. For information on this, there is an article on the national geographic website here, and also a couple of other websites here and here.
South East Asia Earthquake...One Year On
It is about one year now since the devstating earthquake hit south east asia. This is a useful BBC site with lots of useful links from the time that it happened, and also about how people are coping now.
Drought in England
Did you ever wonder what happened to the drought that southern England was in? Hm..... maybe not... Well anyway, here is an article explaining that actually, there still is a drought, one that has been going on for nearly two years.
Mud flood threatens Java residents
There has been a massive mudslides on the island of Java, in Indonesia. There is a good BBC article here with lots of the effects on people. There is also a good article here with lots of useful facts on this disaster.